Movies, briefly

pretty cool))all of them.

I love it… kill bill is my favourite…

New movie update. Although i did post this in a new thread, why not keep all of them together in here!

Very nice. Keep them coming!

Moving these three here to Make room for newer images in the first post.

It may look like Freestyle, however, has been rendered in Octane. Just a quick doodle.

Love the thought of seeing someone or something with so few elements in the image.

This style is very direct, but difficult.
with only a few basic shapes you can give an idea of the subject.
very nice compliments! and nice use of the colors!

I LOVE these. Would like to see some large prints or somthing of that nature!

Thanks for the kind words. Here’s the latest. Woody Allen’s Sleeper - one of the most fun Sci-Fi films ever.

I love Sleeper! Nice tribute.

Great minimalist style! Some many people on here can make a great render with millions of polys, colors and lights, but ask them to make something appealing with a limited palette and they crumble. Congrats!

Deceptively simple, and Woody Allen’s head is the proof. Just the precision of the path the hair takes is delightful. Looking forward to seeing more in the series.

Very enchanting. They look like lego as well :smiley:

These are great!

Update. Fargo. Rendered with Octane.

They say great design is not adding things but taking away. You have done a great job of keeping only what is necessary. Well done!

The geomtric sky on the one with the boat is wonderful :slight_smile: