moving camera and camera texture coordinate

I have question that I have been unable to find the answer to. I have a scene with an object in it that is repeated using an array modifier. In order maintain realism for the object I have the texture coordinate node set to Camera but when the camera moves the texture on the object moves with the camera (as it is meant to). Is there anyway around this? I have tried adding a Mapping node in in order to get the texture to stay in place but its impossible to ‘guestimate’ what the value should be.
Anyone experience this before and know a work around for it? Thanks!


You don’t say why you need to use camera coordinates.

We know nothing about your scene or what you are actually trying to achieve so all anyone has to go on is vague guesswork.
You need to actually supply some meaningful information if you want any meaningful answers.

Screenshots and example blend file (with relevant textures packed in the blend) and the very minimum

Using the Position Vector for example, will give you the fixed coordinate system of your scene, which doesn’t change with camera movements.

Apologies if I wasn’t clear and in fact sorry I meant to say I am using the Window coordinate to avoid having a texture with repeating patterns.
So from the start, I have a scene in which I modeled 1 drawer, I then used an array modifier to create many drawers on the x and z axis’s. With the array modifier there is 120 drawers all with the same texture, so I plugged a texture coordinate node into the Vector input of the image I am using as the texture using the window output so each drawer looks different. I have set the camera up to move slightly to the right but when I do the texture also moves with the camera. Here is a screen shot of the scene too.