Normally in Blender I can move the “User Camera” around by holding Alt/Ctrl/Shift and the left mouse button, and moving the mouse. I like this. When I select the “Camera” view with Num0, though, this stops working, and when I try to move, the view snaps back to the User Camera.
I’ve tried Fly Mode, and I didn’t really get on with it. It does part of what I want (move camera whilst keeping the camera safe area markers visible), but the control method doesn’t do it for me. You can’t configure the keys (my WASD keys are not together), and making fine adjustments to the forwards-and-backwards movement (whatever that’s called) is a bit tricky.
I’ve tried positioning the Camera where the User Camera is, using Ctrl+Alt+Num0, and that isn’t working out great for me. It works OK, just about, but it’s not ideal for my purposes – it’s never quite clear where the safe area is going to be, and making fine adjustments is generally a bit tiresome.
I’ve tried using the normal Grab and Rotate controls with the camera, too. So it does work, and moving forwards and backwards works better for me than Fly Mode, but it’s got a bit of a flaw: the camera stops moving when the mouse cursor reaches the edge of the screen. So I can only move so far before I have to start again.
But I do like the “normal” camera controls – can I control the render camera using them, whilst having the safe area visible as I do so? (Hopefully I’ve just missed something really obvious, but I can’t find it.) Any other suggestions, if anybody has previously wanted this and found an adequate substitute that works for them?