hi im fairly new with blender, i know you can see from the camera view before render with numpad0, but is there a user friendly way of moving the camera from the camera perspective view? (ive been going to other views to move and rotate it and see how it looks. kinda time consuming). ty in advance
Select camera and use G-key for moving and R-key for rotating.
cool. for me but the R key seems to rotate along a global axis and the G key can only pan, not move closer. how do you rotate the camera from the cameras perspective and the cameras axis. also how do you move the camera closer and further away from the object from the cameras perspective. i understand you can use the xyz keys to change the way it rotates and pans, but is there a way to move the camera around like ghosting in a fps? if that makes sense heh.
Pressing first G-key and then MMB lets you move forward and backward.
Press R-key TWICE to rotate the camera to any direction.
I also usually lock the camera’s Y-rotation so that the camera doesn’t rotate the way I don’t want it to. (N-key -> click the RotY’s lock icon.)
Shift-F lets you move the camera using WASD-keys and mouse.
radizm. that worked sweet thanks for that.