Moving from max to blender???

For everyone out there just like me, that is moving from blender to 3ds max i made this simple interface conversion or more of adaption, to feel like the one in max. If you would like me to give you the .blend file of the interface please post here.

i think you mean from Max to Blender, not vice versa. If so, Welcome! There is also a hotkey translator for you that give Max hotkeys and the Blender equivalent.

My screen looks like that. I’ve also added a narrow bar at the bottom of the screen for a time line. Max still have that? :slight_smile: And then on the lower right side I’ve added a headerless panel and set it to display the outliner for easy object selection. Now for those big monster buttons along the top of the screen.:smiley: Ton has said he is going to add customizeable buttons for the next version and broken has already worked out an interface. We will see. [fingers locked]

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