Moving in Viewport while using (g) to move a vertex

Hi Folks - I use a 3Dconnexion SpacePilot Pro for my 3D work. I am relatively new to blender but cut my teeth on SoftImage and Lightwave over the past 25 years. When I want to edit a vertex, select it and tap the g key, my movement around the viewport seems to be frozen until I click off the point to set. Is there any way to move around and edit? Thanks for any suggestions.

you can use transform tool at left tools menu, " t " is the short cut for tools menu,
it has pivot type transform like in maya or other softwares, but i really dont know if you can change view during transform

I guess since for blender the “initial” main input device was the computer mouse, blender simply has no concpet of doing two movements (viewport and actual object) at the same time. For other 3D apps there might be an earlier “adaption” to some multi movement devices.

But this might be set in *Blender Preferences → Input → NDOF (?? since i do not have such a device i never bothered about the settings)

After you select the vertex, and Use G to Move, Hold down ALT…that will allow you to Zoom and Rotate around the Viewport…

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Thank you so much! This is actually a pivotal point had it not been possible. The way I model and design requires this workflow or it would be painfully slow and most importantly, not as accurate.

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