I am making my first blender project (coming from Modo) and I have found it to be very good, a bit different but really good.
I want to move my group of objects along an axis and when I do it the objects move along the axis at diffrent rates. See my before and after images. Sure this is an issue of pivots/axis in each object but don’t understand why this is happening.
It appears that some of your object have inconsistent scale which may affect the translation operation. To check this, press N to open the properties panel. Then in object mode, select each object and examine it’s scale property. It should read 1.0 for all dimensions. If not, press Ctrl-A and choose Scale to apply the scale. Normally this happens when you scale an object in object mode. Normally, you should only scale when in Edit mode.
I’m not 100% sure if just scaling in object mode will cause this problem. You also seem to have the objects parented to empties and the scale might play a factor. I tried applying the scale in your scene and it seemed to resolve the issue.
Adding to what dunawayc said… If an object is parented to another and the parent is scale, then the scale is applied, the scale factor will be transferred to the child. So you might have to chase the scaling up the chain, so to speak. Apply scale to the parent, THEN to it’s children.
Many thanks Dunawayc and SkpFX - this is something that I need to be more aware of. As a rule of thumb if I always scale in edit mode then I should avoid these issues providing I ensure that any parent object is also not-scaled.
Having re-scaled all my objects (which rather altered the look and feel of my model LOL!) the items that were instance groups seem to exhibit the issues still. Duplicating linked seems to work ok though and so maybe this is the better way to create duplicates rather than to instance a group. Now you guys have got me thinking along the right lines I suspect that I made a group instance and then scaled it by -1 to mirror it - this probably did not help!
I have just run a test with some cubes - scaled in item mode for one and edit mode for another and they translate the same so it is related to the parenting aspect. I will need to so some more tests still to understand the parenting / grouping aspect. Although I tend to do stills I fancy my hand at some animation so I need to get a handle on this!
Many thanks again, I think I understand the basics a bit better now - appreciate the help.
Blender noob here. I had a very similar problem while running through Blender Guru’s donut tutorial, except I hadn’t scaled either the donut or the icing. Still, whether the donut was the parent or the icing, they still moved at different rates proportional to their distance from the 3D cursor.
I finally realized why: I still had the Proportional Editing function turned on from a previous step in the tutorial. When I turned this off, the donut and icing moved in lockstep with each other as I expected. Weird.