Moving objects on a Path: 2.49 -> 2.5 changes

I am trying to do the following:
However things have changed in Blender 2.5.

You can close a path by pressing C to make the path cyclic.

This is now ALT+C.
I am not sure what tools appear when I press C…

Speed IPO: When you add a Path, a Speed IPO curve is also automatically added, shaped such that any object traversing the path smoothly accelerates at the start and then decelerates smoothly to a stop at the end of the path over 100 frames. You can view this Speed IPO curve in the IPO window, Path IPO type.

This is where I am currently stuck.
Where is the IPO editor now? Is that the “Graph Editor”?

In any case, the speed IPO is not created… or I didn’t see it. And I don’t know how to create it.

The IPO editor is gone, as well as the Time IPO. You need to use the Graph Editor and keyframe the ‘Evaluation Time’ in the path properties.


That’s it! Thank you Richard. It works. :slight_smile: