Moving something affects another object's rotation.

I’d like to know how this could be done, or if it can be done at all. I want it so when I move a certain object it rotates two other objects.

I’ve looked around done some searching… and I can’t find anything, most likely because I’m searching the wrong things.

Thanks in advanced. :]

You’ll need to use drivers. Right click on an attribute such as Z Rotation and select ‘Add Single Driver’, you’ll see it turn purple. You can then add the controls for the driver in the graph editor.
As an example, move the cube along the X-axis and the monkey and gear will rotate (blender 2.56a)


drivers.blend (88.7 KB)

Thanks! Now I’m getting somewhere! I’ve done some guess and testing and figured it out how I would like it to. But now I’d like to more understand the y = value + valueX and then the Expanded Polynomial and additive or additive or not, would someone mind explaining it to me. thanks! ^.^

Or at least a link explaining it, that would be great.

for a simple translation of linear movement to rotation
you dont need “drivers”.
You may check the setup like in this video for a
simple car-automatic-wheel-rotation:

it shows nice, where are the pitfalls
and the differences between global/local/pose-space-coordinate-systems.

Well then you have to use bones… ? Drivers seem easier for what I’m doing.

Hi Saucy,

no, you don’t need bones at all. The “Transform-Constraint” works with all normal objects. You just need to know, where you want to limit the movement, to achieve the desired effect. But it is really simple and easy to use. Drivers may be too complicated for the effect you need.

Your question about the polynomials is quite easy to explain. If you’ve had taken your A-levels or at least a higher education at school, then this shouldn’t be a problem for you. Furthermore, if you understand German, you could watch my tutorial about the “Function Surfaces-Addon” as well:

So, I’ll try to explain the math behind the polynomial thing:
If you imagine a coordinate system with a horizontal x-axis and a vertical y-axis (perpendicular to the x-axis), then this is where the y and x coordinates are placed. Now imagine, that you calculate each y-coordinate seperately while going through every x-coordinate.
So, if your equation is: “y = 1”, then you should have a horizontal line which has the y-coordinate “1”. And if your equation is “y = x”, then you should get a line that starts in the lower left corner and goes to the upper right corner (or simply, rotated 45°). You will see that, if your x-value is negative in your coordinate system, your y-value will be negative as well, since your equation states exactly this fact! Hope you understood what I mean - normally it’s very simple.

But as long as you can only set this equation in the “Generator Modifier” of the Graph-Editor window context, this won’t be useful for you, because with this equations you can (only) define the behaviour of your animation graph. This is a very good feature, but I think you are better set with constraints, since you have full control and you’re able to easily setup your functionality!

Looking forward to your answer! Bye Bye.

Ohh your explanation, as well as a little more tinkering, has made me understand a lot more! Thanks!

And drivers were PERFECT for what I needed, I wanted it so when I moved one object in the x axis two other objects rotated, i got it to work perfectly, I also added some constraints to make it go to exactly what I wanted without having to use drivers to exact, but you said you can achieve the same thing I did with transformation constraint? really? How so?

…and I don’t know german so I cannot haha :Þ

Hey Saucy,

well okay. Seems like you are deeply satisfied with the driver solution. Maybe it’s because I think too simple about the animation goal you want to reach.
Nevertheless, I made a small example file, how I interpret your question. Please, take a look and tell me, what I didn’t understand.

Transform_Constraint_256.blend (499 KB)

It took me a while, until I got the idea of the Transform constraint. But reading the tooltip boxes, appearing as I moved the mouse over the different settings, helped me a lot.

The thing about German is a pity :stuck_out_tongue: No, it just could’ve been that you maybe learned it magically - don’t know :wink:

Take care.

Well what do you know! That works too! haha :Þ I guess it did it more complicated than I needed to, but now at least i semi understand drivers and can now use them in the future! ^.^ Using this constraint instead of the drivers will be much easier!

Thanks a lot! ;D

Saucy, great news! You’re welcome.

I need to learn how to use these drivers as well, but this is the cool thing about blender - it is so versatile! :smiley:

Yes, indeed!