Moving stuff along a faces normal

Hey all, first post here, but I’ve gotten alot of answers from searching before now, so ty for being here.

Anyway, I’m working on modeling a space ship, its basic and you can tell where each face starts, but its coming along ok, its got a few little animations (mostly because it only needs 3 bones, and they arn’t even connected at that), and I was going to fix up the cannons, they are boxes right now and I wanted to move the top piece down to start off. The cannon however, is on the wing, and the wing is slanted up so the z axis is all messed up, the local z axis seems to be going in the same direction as the golbal one. But one of the face normals is going in the perfect direction, anyway I can slide the whole group of faces along that?

If you press alt-space you can change the transform orientation to normal then using the manipulator you can move along the normal.

To move more then one face base on one face normal, first split your views and make your secound view so you are able to see the normal movement axis. back in your main view select the face that has the normal direction required. Press shift-v (view alignment) and choose top view. Press alt-space and change transform orientation to view. Make your select that you want to move in the 2nd view. Now back in the main view press g (grab) and then press z twice ( to confine to view alignment) now moving the mouse will move your selection towards or away from your view , which in the 2nd view you will see moving along the normal or the required face normal.

ty, that works perfectly!

One more question, anyway I can either “save” the distance i want to move the thing, sort of like counting the jumps while moving with “ctrl” down, or even better, can I shorten those jumps, because right now 1 jump is half the height of my cannon.

You can type in a value.

I guess this is pretty nub, but where do I type in the value?

At the point where you are moving your mouse to move the face, youll notice that the 3d view menu is replaced with a changing value, at this point just start typing some numbers (they no actual box/place as such to type into).