Moving verts without strecthing faces

Ok, so here’s the issue. I want to move some vertices in edit mode and have all the other vertices move with it as if the object was a fixed volume (as in real life). After much experimentation, I haven’t been able to find a way to do this. Any ideas? The object is just an un-capped cylinder.

Also, I would like to get the cylinder to conform to another shape. Again, without losing its volume (like it would with shrinkwrap).


your first issue is a bit confusing: Either you wan’t to have no stretching in the faces while transforming, that would just be scaling, rotating or moving ALL of them or you wan’t to have a real deformation, but preserve the volume in which case you will unavoidably have streching to some degree. Could you axplain further what you wan’t to achieve?

The second issue is rather easy to resolve: You use a curve with a shrinkwrap modifier on the shape and then tell your cylinder to follow that curve (of course you will have to offset the cylinder a bit then)

Thanks for the tips.
Its more the second option for the first issue. I’m also needing to do a similar thing to wrap some clothes around a character model (kinda like a Japanese gi). The only way I could think of doing it, is to rotate the body and clothes to use gravity to do the draping, activating cloth modifier, pinning the right area and repeating for the until it’s wrapped, then tying it off with a belt and applying the cloth modifier for final draping. The cylinder was a test bed.

For the second one, thanks, that works great.