
This is my latest project. It is the Mozilla Monster: the mascot for the mozilla web browser. I’m going to put it in an enviroment eventually…Perhaps frying the MS Internet explorer, or something along those lines.

Here is the link:

The reference image:

well it looks like you need to work on the texturing alittle. there is some tiling of the scale texture. but the modeling looks great.

Cute ^^ kinda stiff byt cute ^^ also might want to look at the blender ducmentation it has a great lighting section.

Oh and good job on the feet

Thanks for the comments. The texturing for the scales is a blender plugin, so it is hard to get it perfect everywhere. The texture is not UV mapped so that makes it a bit difficult (I have got to learn how to UV map). I’m just learing how to texture. I’ll post a picture with him in an enviroment. The lighting does need some help :wink: . Again thanks for the helpful tips.

Here’s the Mozilla Monster with an enviroment. It isn’t the greatest, but its the first I’ve done. Maybe I’ll come back to it in a few months. Right now I need to do several tutorials on how to texture, and a good model is nothing without a good texture. Suggestions and critiques are always welcome.

it looks like he’s made out of some sort of soft, molded rubber/plastic. The sort of soft and safe material they make toys for samll children out of. There’s a ewrid stripe down his middle. I like the environment, it has a cool flooded underwater catacombs feel to it.

the eyes look… munched

sorry, i cant go into detail, i cant describe it in english

Thanks for the comments. Yeah…I’m not happy with the eyes. I’m doing more tutorials to build up my texturing skills. I’m glad you like the enviroment :smiley: . I’m not happy with the scales plubing I used. The scales end up looking flat. When I learn more I’ll probably totally re-texture him. As the for the stripe down his middle…that’s how the mascot looks. I probably could do a better job making it look better though.

Here’s my reference image:

It looks like a big foam and rubber suit for the Mozilla’s Kid Hour on the WB!! Looks good, but the face lacks personality. Like the actual drawing of the MozillaMonster has über-personality, yours again, looks like a rubber mask. :wink: