mp3 to ogg mass converter

i’ve been searching for the past 2 days on google and other search engines softpedia and stuff like that and cant find a converter.

i cant use audacity or anything like that bacause i have 1200+ songs to convert so please post links.

Just out of curiousity, why do you want to convert? Pretty much everything that supports ogg already supports MP3, and converting from one lossy format to another always results in a loss of quality.

mostly because i need it to play them in pygame. and i can already play the .mp3’s and i need them at a lower bitrate so i can fit them all on a ipod 160 instead of 192 or something like that

I’m afraid the iPod doesn’t support ogg so that wouldn’t do you any good. It does support AAC, which also managed better quality for a given compression level than MP3 so you might want to try and find an AAC converter.

If you have the original CDs, your best bet is to just rip them again directly to the format you want/need.

If you really have no other options then I managed to turn up and with Google.

Just so you know… converting to ogg from mp3 gets even worse quality than before.

That is true for certain cases. But if the mp3 bitrate is high (192-320), the loss when transcoding won’t be that noticeable for most people. Not everyone has the “golden ears” to notice the small artifacts.

ok an iPod dosn’t support oggs? that sucks. i still need a converter for pygame i’ll try PassiveSmoking’s links

btw: PassiveSmoking didnt your name usted to be PassiveSmok?

scabootssca, try this. It does mass conversion.