Mr. Boggy

I made a 3d bubble-looking man, named Boggy (my nickname). Here’s the original thread in which I made boggy on a graffiti website:

So, tell me what you think:

I am trying to improve my lightning and rendering skills, so please comment harsh on those.

C&C Please!


Very nice!

Did you try rendering with edge detect?

Where’s that and what does it do?


Thats pretty cool, looks like somthing you would put as your avatar.

Yeah, what’s edge detect?

Good thing you brought it up. How do I add avatar? Like where do I go and stuff? I can’t even find my profile link, where’s it at? Every forum is different…


on the main home elysiun page hit profile in the upper right corner and upload it at the bottom of the next page.

very nice, check out some Jay Man images, those are pretty similar

Thanks SamAdam, I found it! :stuck_out_tongue:

Skeletor: Where could I find those Jay Man images?

Hey guys, I am trying to animate this little guy but… umm, I am stuck on animation process. I mean, I probably would be able to follow tutorials and be able to animate organic and tech model… but this bubble looking man is different. How would I animate him? I know I’d have to use armatures anyhow but I am having hard times… Anyone wants to help me out? Like guide to what to do in this situation?


I’mnot a pro but I think you’ve to convert all these balls to a single mesh. Then you have to create vertecgroups. In your case you could just select all the vertices of the elbow ball (while in editmode) and assign them to a new vertexgroup called elbow. After you have set vertexgroups for all balls, you should create a armature for your character. Name all the bones of your armature exactly the same as the your vertexgroups. For example call the bone that will control the elbow vertexgroup elbow.
After you’ve done this all make the armature parent of the mesh. Now enter posemode and the model should nicely folow the adjustments you’ll make to the armature.

I’ve probably forgotten something (like I said I’m not a pro) but this should give you a headstart.

sorry… didn’t see you question…

edge detection will create a “toony” line around your objects, it’s in the render (F10) window, left side , press “edge” and in “edge settings” change the shift and other params until you like it…

shul: Thanks, it’ll be usefull to know it future projects!

joostbouwer: How do I assign vertices for a vertexgroup?

EDIT: Nvm, I found out how to assign… though I am still kind of stuck…

Here’s my current setup:

Okey, the elbow thingy doesn’t move by itself or doesn’t rotate or anything, it’s weird. I need “finger” balls move by themselves without deforming all the meshes around them (which is what happens now), I need eblow ball move by itself… I need head ball move by itself, knees balls to move by themselves and feet work work like normal feet… So… yeah…


Thanks to Enriq I was able to figure out the whole armature thing. Now, here’s a question:

In old Blender they didn’t use armatures but something else… Anyways, if you would build a skelet and parent certain things (I can’t remember what) here’s what would happen: When you move arms for example and move them down too much, the knees would start bending and elbows would stretch out and all that stuff. If you would pull hands up, the body would take a normal pose.

So, is it possible with armatures? If so, could anyone tell me how?

Here are 2 pics to better explain what I mean:


i realy like this one! the hand might be a bit to big but i wanna see him dancing. also the rendering shows a nice esthetic.
also the balls intersecting the main body ball arnt so good. i think when you focus on the main body ball it looks strange!! maybe move the hip balls a bt more out like you did with the balls ontop of the feet balls!

sorry cant realy be harsh, nothing there to harsh!


To asign vertexgroups enter editmode <TAB> then press <F9> to bring up the editing menu. Onthe right is the vertexgroup area. Here you can set up the vertexgroups. Select the vertices that you want to be deformed by the bone. Press the New button and give it a unique name (must be similar to the bone’s name.)
What you said about deforming bodyparts is what happens if there ain’t assigned vertexgroups. Then every vertex that is close enough will be derformed.
The elbows wont move because you made the pivot of the bone in the centre of the ball. It should be on the side. You coould also add i little bone inbetween the upperarm and the lowerarm to control the elbow.

Good luck

Here is the arm setup that Enriq helped me with (I’ve changed few things for my preference):

Here’s me being bored and playing with this pic… lol:

My new sig on other forums:

FraceR: Thanks for the link! :stuck_out_tongue:

cekuhnen: Thanks for the comments, here’s un-rendered pic (takes a while to render with yafray :slight_smile: ) with your suggestion:

joostbouwer: Thanks for tips.

I am working on the rest of the model’s skeleton and did a small animation with arm… I must say it looks great, within next few days I might produce a video (by the way, anyone knows where I can host this video?).
