Mr. Papple...

Ok, so this is Mr.Papple…a half pear, half apple. I’ve been working on him of the side, just testing myself, but want to use him in a short with other characters…he’ll probably be one of the main characters, if not the main character himself(still working on script/all in the head)…

This clip was actually made to see if my lip sync was ok, but also used the opertunity to test other things such as particles and soft bodies, which is also affected by forces. And then there is the simple, yet effective body of Papple with the necessary controls…

The link is at YouTube…

Oh, and I’ve also used a line from Clint Eastwood(just something that I had, seeing that I’m working on him at the moment) called “The Mule”…

Tell me what you think?

Forgot to add some preview pics…here are two that are from the clip…


Great, I love it! the shader could use some work, and the bloom was a little much, but over all it was good

Thanks! :slight_smile: By bloom, do you mean the the glow effect(it makes it look oversaturated)? I would admit, that was my first time using it, and I actually just added it to test it out…what would you say is wrong with the shader? Thanks for the crit! :smiley:

Fantastic lip-syncing I have to say. Great work! :eyebrowlift: It’s almost perfect, except this line:

“Y’see my mule don’t like people laughin’”.

Your lipsync starts a tad too early.

You might want to add a minor bumpmap to his skin, as well as drawing down on the spec and hard of the material to spread the specular slightly more. Also, the grass is too brightly greenish, and I hope you’ll add a satisfying background. Also, to make him look very Clint-ish, you can add even more frowns on his forehead.

Other than that, great work!

Thanks for the comments, Python Angel! :slight_smile:

Fantastic lip-syncing I have to say. Great work! :eyebrowlift: It’s almost perfect, except this line:

“Y’see my mule don’t like people laughin’”.

Your lipsync starts a tad too early.

I’ll try to look into that, thanks…sometimes you look at it so much when working with it, that you start missing the mistakes. I’ll also work on the bump and spec map.

Also the grass is VERY poorly done! I just basically threw in a bunch of particles and gave them a green color…it was basically just to test how they (and the soft body leaf) are affected by forces. The clip I made was not really anything important, rather just a test…so for the real thing there will definitely be a background and other things to interact with…but that’s only for later…when the rest of the ‘crew’ have been made.

I was also not really going for the Clint Eastwood look, it was just a sound file that I had lying around, so I just used it to test the lip sync…his voice will probably be much different. He’s actually more of a happy-chappy kind of guy than a serious one.

Thanks for c&c! :slight_smile: