blender 2.8 has come, i downloaded it yesterday. … you can define your own keys for the brushes, this is what i did for my favourite brushes. … when in sculpt mode, in the tab options, options, you can check or uncheck unified settings for size etc, like your prefer.
and, when using the new blender for the first time, do not forget that the first click has to be “use my previous settings” checkbox, otherwise you loose all your custom preferences…
oh, thanks, but with the lost feeling for the sculpt you cannot help, unfortunuately.
Do you mean 2.78 or 2.8???
Yes my use of settings is very very bad, I keep loosing them, and I don’t know how to setup properly… I have to really put my mind in to it.
Retopo and shrinkwrap, really makes me sad, so I went back to sculpt other things, and I fell much better now hehehe Sculpt is really what I want to do!
Hey ! How r u ? I found ur sculpt really nice, what s ur problème with retopo ?
Malhomsi! I’m ok hehe, I just get frustrated and sad when everything seams to not work or fight against you hehe.
The retopo goes well, I think… but I spend so much time!! time a rather use sculpting. And the shrinkwrap, don’t work when you overdo your Dynotopo, so… I have to find the right workflow.
I’m glad you like my sculpt!!! really appreciated!.
I used to hate retopo, i found it boring and time consuming… But i watch tons of tuto of Jonathan williamson, this guy makes u love retopo !
Yes he does love retopology, he is fantastic.