Mr. Wizard has passed on.

I dunno if this is that relevant to a lot of the younger crowd that hangs out here, but some of you older folks have to remember this guy. He was one of the reasons i got so deeply into computers and playing around with electronics and junk. I’ve been a constant tinkerer and dissector of technology ever since. He actually encouraged kids to take stuff apart and figure out how it worked and play around with stuff. I wish this interview had a bit more ‘In-Depth’ conversation, but I assume he wasn’t really in top form at the time it was given.

Very sad to see yet another fond memory from my childhood pass. It reminds me that I’m no spring chicken myself.

I remember Mr. Wizard. He was on right after the Farm Report, from 6:30 to 7:00am, back in the days when I watched a test pattern waiting for the station to start it’s broadcast day. He is definitely part of our cultural heritage. I’m sorry for his passing. He really livened up my youth by showing me how I could do science with things I could scrounge up around the house.

Mr. Wizard was amazing. He did some amazing stuff with simple science. He’ll be missed.

Anyone happen to know if old episodes of the show are available online anywhere?

Ya, I was sad to see he passed on. I remember I loved those shows, can’t remember any details though. I think there were a couple of kids that helped him.

Actually… I must admit I was suprised that he was still around. He looked old when I was a kid, although I must have been VERY young at the time.

there seems to be a couple of really short clips on youtube, but not much more that i can see. Really old, before my time, but decidedly 'Mr. Wizard" in content.

ah, mr wizard will be missed. hopefully some day they will release the mr wizard show as a dvd or something. he did some really cool stuff on that show.