Msn Closing

Msn is closing down i dont know when i caught the end of the cnn clip but that is what mircsoft is doing closing down msn because of to many preditors on it.

eeeh what? you serious? (me checks

They’re closing down the chatrooms…not the messenger service.

from what i understood it sounds like they are shutting it all down.

only the chatrooms and they’re blocking 3rd parties clients.


so are they blocking things like trillian and stuff from using MSN chat?

that kinda sucks man.


you’d think THAT sucks. …but think about those who don’t use M$ windows and still use msn …they cannot run a M$ msn messenger, because M$ doesn’t want it to. Kopete (a linux IM app) maybe has a solution to outwit the MSN servers, so i’ll report what’s with it after the 15th (when the closure is said to start)

I think the new trillian (pro) has a protocol that does get accepted by MSN.


Forget about it, use jabber!

welol i noticed that trillian wanted to update itself the other day, i think the new updated version fools MSN.


its not about 3rd party apps its to do with having a msn account so they know who you are (or at least can trace you)

Did anyone read that article yesterday about that corporate CTO who was ousted from the company for being critical of Microsoft in a report? I guess the company does business with Microsoft or something.

Since Mircosoft plans to ban third-party clients, there are billions upon billions of patches for billions upon billions of messaging software that bypasses the third-party client block. I find it funny.

OH it’s hillarious! It just proves how stupid it can be attempting to monopolize things right now! :smiley:

I’m not really sure that shutting down Microsofts chatrooms will make a huge difference to child safety as many children will simply move to another chat room such as Yahoo but I guess it’s a step in the right direction.

What concerns me is that if other companies such as yahoo follow suit, children will start turning to the more unreliable chat servers that can’t be so well monitored and therefor pose a greater threat.

I think the young children of this world should always be kept safe even if it’s at the expense of everyone’s open chatroom desires. I just hope this decision by Microsoft does more good than harm.

and another thing: does M$ believe that there’s less pedophils in the US then in the rest of the world? …i wouldn’t bet on that card, if it was for MY child’s sake (which i don’t have any yet).

jabber: i’d love to, but the thing is: i have some firends using msn, some icq … so i just use kopete to run them all. and losing msn would mean losing contact to two really nice scotish girls i met in england

Yea, yea, it’s always about the children, they the reasion we have no liberty in the first place. Don’t parents have MSN8 or KOL ? Maybe we should start hunting for neglectfull parents and throw there butts in jail.