yeah do a search…but i really would like it completely explained from start to finish.ok i have a little stormtrooper, i want him to have a regular texture and a reflective texture. its for toon shading, it works as alpha when its in color but when i turn it to black and white(cause a stormtrooper isnt skin color)the alpha doesnt work, i guess thats my promblem too.if you could tell me how to do both taht would be great!
okay a little confusing… so you want texture 1 to be storm troopers colours and detail… and texture 2 to be a reflection map (which has an alpha) right? There are graphics demo’s (on blender wewbsite) that show you how to do this.
Main thing is to have use blender materials set to on… go to the material buttons (with you object selected duh) and add in two textures (load up your maps into the textures)… map input of the detail map to use the UV’s of your object and map input of the reflection one to sphere or whatever else makes it look cool…
You must also have a look at map to setting… there are blending modes for the maps here… eg. screen and overlay etc. Just play with the settings till you get it how you want it… also play with the layering of the textures… ie which map is on the top… You can make all kinds of cool layerd textures this way… I think you can only have 3 textures in total tho.
Note not all of the settings you would normally use will work for the game engine, Snailrose has a page that highlights the working functions in yellow.
I forgot to mention that…
thanks, you know i would love to say im from a different country and my english isnt very good but no, im american…sadly…and i cant write for crap so, yeah …thanks!