multilayer and speed pass ???

Hi all,
I rendered a whole anim in multilayer but cannot get the speed pass to work for vector blur applied as post process.
I open the multilayer file, plug the z and speed pass in it, nothing happens …

Why ?

when you rendered, was Vec enabled in your RenderLayer?

Yes it was ! And the other passes are fine, as I wanted, except the speed …
Note I have to use a patched version to open theses multilayer EXR files !

ok, so I actually dug a little for you, and multilayer is working for me. I’m using the graphicall SSE2 build from a few weeks ago. You run the multilayer Image Input node speed socket through a colorrramp to the image socket of the Composite output, you will get the speed “image” the same as running the renderlayer.


Ach …
I cant open multilayer files with the graphicall sse2 optimized version. And this on all computers I’ve tried .
And still cant see or use the speed pass …

ok, so I want to help you, but you’ll have to be more specific. I do know I just ran into funkiness when I clicked load new and selected three exr files they would not load. So I loaded up a jpg (okay), loaded up one of the exr’s (okay), and then repeated trying to load the three image sequences and it worked.

here is a packed blend that should work for you. click E in the node editor to pump it up.

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Thanks for help.
With the file you gave, the sse2 version crashes after a few clicks …
And I cant even see the packed exr renderlayer, when render or execute nodes !
But I see something when pluggin a colorramp between the viewer and the speed of the 3d renderlayer .

well that’s not good. (crashing). I am on XP/Vista and Morpheius greets me with the banner.

If you see something then at least you are on the right track. White is the pixel vector info. so that says there is data there.

I’m on XP ! I will try to see if it works on linux(fedora) …
My pb is that I have 30 scenes rendered in multilayer (very heavy) and wanted to set the vector blur after rendering the main3d, to set it accordingly to all scenes and cameras used …

I tested the speed pass a few weeks ago, and it worked fine. At first I couldn’t open them with official release, and now, with the patch, I cant see the speed.
But will look this further, to work fine …