Multiple Scenes Lighting in Video Sequence Editor

Hi all,

I’m trying to develop an animation using the video sequence editor to add multiple scenes. Wherein each scene has different object animated in different ways.

For example scene 1 has a box moving left to right (scene complete with camera and sun) and scene 2 has a sphere moving top to bottom (scene complete with camera and sun)

When I use the Effect->ADD and ‘do seqence’ animate both objects appear to be lit by both suns and appear over exposed, and the default dark blue background appear to be much lighter.

If I ADD a third scene the the overexposure gets proportionally worse.

I apologise if this has been asked/answered before, but the mix of lighting, scenes and sequence editor makes this a hard prob to search for,

Any guidance/suggestions appreciated.


You didn’t say how you want the final composite scene to appear, but I’ll assume you just want the cube and sphere to appear solid and lighted as in the individual scenes. Open the scene that will be in the ‘foreground’ (corresponds to the upper strip in the sequence editor). In the Render (F10) buttons-> Render panel change the setting at the bottom to Key (from Sky). This changes the world’s “color” into alpha transparency. In the sequence editor, instead of using an ADD strip use ALPHA OVER. What you’ve done is made the background in the ‘top’ scene transparent, and told the sequence editor to keep that transparency while laying the two scenes one over the other.

Thanks for taking time to reply and obviously for providing The Answer. I kinda new there must be a way, but searching tutorials & doc on the web with a fair bit of trial and error hadn’t helped. Thx.