multiple selection with box-selection


i would ask, if there is a way to configure blender for the following selection-possibilitys: when i click on an vertex, this vertex is selected. now i want to drag a box-selection without hit a button, (in default b) and want to select automatically all vertex, that in the selection, also the vertex, they are behind other vertex. this i want to be do, without enable the limit selection to visible, or change to wireframe. to drag a box selection i found in the user-preferences. But i cant`t configure, that then automatically all vertex in box are selected. is there a simple way to configure that? i believe in maya there is such a selection modus. i find it realy a fast way to select, without clicking some buttons.

now i want to drag a box-selection without hit a button, (in default b) and want to select automatically all vertex, that in the selection, also the vertex, they are behind other vertex. this i want to be do, without enable the limit selection to visible, or change to wireframe.
If you have enabled limit selection to visible you won’t select the vertices behind.

yes. but i want to select with boxselection everytime the vertices behind anyway if limit selection is enabled. when i disable limited selection, the lines from the vertices behind make me confuse. so i want to select the vertices behind without disable limited selection and without change in wireframe.