Multiple UVmaped object in a scene

Hi guys. I am in the middle of a trouble so i ask you for help.
I am woking in a proyect right now in wich i’ll include severel object. The actual finnished is a flower and a guitar. Both are done in different .blend files. Both are UV-Mapped (first time i do it… so i like it :slight_smile: )
The main problem now. is…
¿How do i “put” together both object in a single scene without loosing their uvmaps and coordinates?

do you get me??..
1-guitar is in its own blend file with its own uvmap and coordinates
2-the same stuff for the flower

what i want: put the guitar and flower together without uvmapping again the whole thign…
can it be done in blender???

i remember in the 3dsmax days there was something like “XRef” i don’t remember… that allow to made this…

cheers… i post the images…


ok… i figured out how to do it…