MULTIRES DEV GSoC: Multires modifier signals start of GSoC project

Multires is getting moved to the modifier stack, and this should make it more powerful as well, first particles, now multires. With this Multires and its use with sculpting will be all that much more powerful.

For all these threads, I have been gone the last 4-5 days and apparently during a development frenzy (which is a good thing):wink:

Yes! In my humble opinion, that should have been the way to go right away,
but better late than never. :slight_smile:

Sweet! I agree, that’ll make it far easier.

Thought tho: I dunno, Were getting an awful lot of modifiers though… Mayve they need to be categorize dor someting? I mean, I love em all, but everytime I go to add a new modifer, Im just like ‘Jeez, thats a long list’, you know?

Way too true. :rolleyes:

Adding in a category system would be great. The list is certainly getting lengthy and it can take a surprising amount of time (relatively speaking) to find the right modifier.

Having Multires as a modifier will be excellent, though!

Yah we get more and more here

What I like is to have my panels vertical orientated similar to the way Max
is using them.

vertical scrolling makes it much easier this way - while horizontal gives you more
space to use.

Very true, free_ality. The fact that they are in reverse alphabetical order is even weirder.

But how can we really complain? Bring in the modifiers!

I think the modifiers list should be categorized by the most common used ones such as subsurf and mirror… or have a customizable list for fast access… anyway… just my two cents…