Multiresolution Modeling

First: Please forgive me as my professional experience is with 2d applications like After Effects rather than 3d apps.

I am trying to learn the basics of modeling and it’s going well but I’m a little confused about how to best use “multiresolution modeling”. I’ve been able to make some fairly good looking models so far but I am consistantly running into an issue.

Using the example of a face, my noses are always short on polys while other areas are “rich” in polys. This forces me to up add too many levels of multiresolution (9 at least) to compensate for this. This of course makes for a very poly inefficient model.

Should fleshing out the major protusions in the first few multiresolution levels partially solve this (before, for example, getting past say level 4 or 5)? I tried it breifly but it didn’t seem to help too much.

Lastly, I tried to find some online tutorials on multiresolution modeling but the only one I can find is contained in “The Essential Blender” (which I bought last week). I was hoping there might be more online but google’s not finding them for me. :slight_smile:

Multires should generally only be used for fine details, so don’t start sculpting on a cube. Instead start with a medium res head perhaps, and work on it from there. :yes:

Your problem probably is rooted in the fact that you might have to many total poly’s for your face/head. I have had instances of face poly richness in areas such as the ears and eyes and a defeciency of them in the nose area. My advice, keep your mesh as low poly as possible while still maintaining the general shape/roundness, only add extra loop cuts when more details are needed. Multires is like Guiseppe said, used mostly for fine details. Keep mesh low-mid poly, then activate subsurf, smooth, sculpt a little, etc…, then activate multires for those finer details such as in “‘Old Guy’ by Maqs”: