Murkopolis (WC196)

This is my voluntarily non-participating entry for Blender Artists Weekend Challenge #196 (“polluted future” theme).

If you saw this earlier in the WC forum, a number of things have changed within the past day.

The title of this piece is “Murkopolis”:

Blender 2.40 optimized + SharpConstruct + levels/DOF post work.

SharpConstruct was used to introduce some irregularites in the base mesh.

Thank you very much for viewing my work.


WOAAAA …great!!!
Congratulations, Robertt.

Wow, just awesome. The details of the character, the gass mask and the lighting/mood are perfectly balanced to fit the theme.

Excellent job, as usual :wink:

Thats great, i like the improvements you have made to it from your original version, you’ve brought out the detail much more. very impressive gallery of work you have , keep it up .

awesome work I must say.
now i really know what theeth ment when he sayed that there is a rule in the wc:s so last week winner cant participate, and that the rule was made so that RobertT wouldnt win all of the challenges :smiley:

You just keep making these master pieces one after another :smiley:

You’re the man Robertt, great charcater you got there.

As always I have been truly inspired by your work RobertT, this one in particular is very good. The mood and emotion absolutely emanating from this piece cannot be ignored. Although the title is a bit misleading because it gives the idea of a sort of polluted city scene but that is no big deal. I salute you for being a man and giving others an opportunity to achieve winner in a Weekend Challenge. Very humble of you. A question now, what method did you use for creating the air tubes leading to his mouth?

The Jack

realy good. I like the green gas effect and also the gas mask.

there is no crits everything looks perfect

Wow. You have inspired me to keep working…cause I was slowly loosing interest but now just I feel I must keep working at it to get good.

That picture is easily better then some of the crap I see in art museums and art books. I wish people would recognize 3d art as what it truley is ART.


Excellent stuff, Robert. The hood/mask material is great, and the eye holes are spot-on.

I’m curious, how much was done in SharpConstruct? Got any screens of your workflow?


Amazing! You keep improving with every project, keep going!

This is really a good work. I really like the new type of picture that could be seen in gallery since there is the node editor of blender, with post-composition. I would like to learn how to make effect with as you made.
Good job !

Woho! That’s realy nice done! i want to give you some crits, but there isn’t any…
Is there a story behind your character?

I cant beleive it :slight_smile:


Thanks everyone for the responses!

In answer to the question about the airtubes, I used dupliverted cylinders that were modified before parenting to a subdivided line (created from a plane). Once duplis were made real, I used proportional editing to arrange them as I wanted.

SharpConstruct was used lightly here to introduce just enough variations in the mesh so it had the worn look I was going for. Once back in Blender, the mesh was further tweaked through a variety of techniques including textural noise and proportional editing.


RobertT, you always make my work look bad :frowning:
No really I’m just upset because I can’t use blender right now because my computer is dead. Great job on the modelling, I love the scene and background. The guy kind of reminds me of the Helghast from Killzone, only his eyes don’t glow. Great work all-around, as usual. Take a look at his right eye though (on the left of the render) it has a wierd-looking circle thing going on there. It looks like its maybe reflecting something back?

XrQLz :smiley:

Great, awesome…

Those textures are incredible :o