Mushroom Field

This is an older render of mine. Unfortunately I would lost the .blend, this render is all I have left. :frowning: It took about an hour to render on my slow computer…I like even though it almost killed my computer.


Not bad, need to adjust the color of the sky.
Sorry it almost killed your comp, what kind od you have?


I lost the .blend, so no more changes can be made to the render…sorry…also, I apologize for my ignorance, but what is an od?

he means of. Typo :smiley: But it doesn’t look too bad. You should try rebuilding some it using the new particle system!

Okay…what’s an of? And, I made this on 2.46, that’s the new particle system right. Unless there is something else I don’t know of…

What kind DO you have. Is what it must of meant, though I read it as “od” too.

Suddenly the world makes sense…okay not really. Cause, I’m not really sure what kinda of comp I have. It’s an XP, 70 gigs, like 700 MBs of Ram…that’s all I know…

You can still alter the image you have made from the render. You can do it with the nodes in Blender or use gimp to change the color of the sky.

was going to say that, anyways to see what specs your comp has click start–>right click my computer–> general. Something like that anyways, I never use windows at all.