To me, it’s pretty dissonant. This is like dadaism; it’s way ahead of its time, asserting that art (or music) does not have to be pleasant, or even recognizable. While I appreciate this song for its deep artistic conceptualism, such as the confusion and uncertainty of being able to see from a forth or fifth axis, I can’t bring myself to enjoy the music (or lack thereof). Forgive me, I am to much of a traditionalist.
Wait a minute…
You’ve shown me a new dimension, and it is very strange and confusing. I don’t know what to make of it, and it kind of makes me want to go back to what I’m used to. In other words, you’ve captured the mood perfectly. This is an excellent piece, but not in the way that most music is.
mmm… between third and fifth… would be 4th right? well, 4th axis is “time”… isnt it? anyway, the song is cool, i can imagine this as a soundtrack of some theatre play, where a girl in some tight outfit comes exploring a planet where she just land bacause her spaceship were broken… well, i think im just imagine a lot… great song!