Music video ! The making of :)

Hello :slight_smile:

After “Tripeace”

Here is it, we are happy to show you a new music video, and entirely made with blender !
In 5 weeks, very shorts nights ! :wink:

On tv (in France) on MTV, MTV idol, MTV pulse, MCM, MCM top, MCM belgique, MCM internationale, NRJ12, VIRGIN17, W9 et NOLIFETV.

Hope you like it !

Oh wow, that was a fun watch. Fantastic! :slight_smile: I love the outer space scene so much.

Hello Reynante !

Happy you like it :slight_smile:
It’s a work made in 5 weeks, it was very quick but we are happy with the results :slight_smile:

really nice, But WHAT HAPPEN TO every one?!! where are the reply`s???

dono can you talk more about the works?, if you want…


That scene with the rocket ship goin into the sun was shweet! Can’t say I’m diggin the song, but a great vid :smiley:

Pink Floyd reference? Set the controls for the heart of the sun…

Very good work, my friend. It is wonderfully animated, especially the long shots. Way to go!
Anyway, I agree with fahassani, there don’t seem to be many replies here. I see the same couple of people replying in all threads… Where is everybody? I expect the Blender community to be a lot more active than this…
But don’t let that discourage anybody! Good work is good work!

Hey, thanks all for all this replies, very happy you like it !

fahassani: :slight_smile: yes of course, we will make a making of soon. It was 5 weeks for the time, with a team of 4, and some helps for modeling and rendering with 4 others people of the blenderclan (a french forum).

Sammaron: happy you like the vid :slight_smile:

Uncle Entity: Pink Floyd reference? We could say “of course, it exactly what we have think” lol, but no ! May be it’s inconscient ! What vid of Pink Floyd do you think ?

VisheshMankal: very nice ! happy you like the work ! And the blender community is very active, but it is christmas now lol ! Everyone just want to eat, drink and dance :wink:


Wow, i like this video!
I especially love how you textured the main character.
Well done, and in such a short time :slight_smile:

Hello :slight_smile:

Thanks TiZeta, happy you like it !

Here is a little making of:
