A music visualizer I made in the BGE. I still have much to do and improve so, no download yet.
Skip to ~ 1:20 for the best part.
A music visualizer I made in the BGE. I still have much to do and improve so, no download yet.
Skip to ~ 1:20 for the best part.
It looks pretty good, but I don’t think the output matches the music that well.
Did you see the BGMC entry “A walk in the park?” That had a great method for making the animation match the sound waves. But it requires pre-baking the sound waves to an ipo.
There’s also a python library which can handle real time input of sound, either from a mic or line audio, I did some experiments with it a few years ago, but I think it needs some work to get it to work with the more recent versions of python that Blender uses.
I’m using the Python wave module to read the sound. I also created a spectrum which you typically see used in music analysis, which does work better.
Wow ! Very nice result !
Cool. I think the spectrum would look more traditional. The bubbles make it difficult to match the sound with the vision, but it looks great nonetheless.
I used a sort of balanced repulsion and attraction / gravity for my own visualizer, and the amplitude of the music adjusted the forces using a math.cos etc. in my own visualizer
also the value of the sin wave is left in the particles, and effects the way they ‘dance’
I saw the video on another thread started back in 2014 and I though it was very intriguing but it didn’t seem that the particles were reacting to the music very positively.
how about this?
Yes, I think that one is a little better. Unfortunately, it is somewhat difficult to analyse music because the only part that is analysed is the loudness (i think?) so without having variables like bass, music speed, pitch, and other things, the visualizer doesn’t always seem to be a perfect representation of the music.
Test 2: HSV color is converted to RGB. The hue of HSV is determined by the amplitude of the music.
Song: Make Your Own Kind Of Music
I understand nothing about the technical aspect but I love the result :RocknRoll:
Test 3:
Added a bloom filter, camera movement, improved particle color, and more particles. The new particles also have a flocking algorithm but the framerate dropped significantly while recording with it so I disabled it for the video.
Song: make Your Own Kind Of Music.
Just a suggestion - the circles that are launched with higher amplitude, I think should move faster away from the middle and quieter circles should move slower away from the middle.
I think that would make the visuals match the music more.
It already does that
Edit: I raised the speed of the particles to an exponent, so it should look better.
Yeah, I had a feeling it did that after watching the video a few times haha
It’s cool
I created a basic GUI with a “tone” slider which allows the user to set the mood of the color for the music.
Is there a full random mode that changes size etc. randomly?
Right now, the size of the particles depends on the amplitude of the music at the current time. I could make it more random though. Also I will add 2 more check boxes to enable or disable particle flocking because I have an algorithm for that. Flocking will add more randomized movement although it is highly intensive.
Version 1 is finished if you want to check it out: https://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?414254-Music-Visualizer