
MusicA - is an addon for Blender that lets you easily create audiovisualizations, or animate something by using music. It speeds up the process of baking sound to keyframes, using standard tools of Blender, but wrapped in a simple UI.

Imagine that you need to create an audiovisualization like this one:

It’s very simple, but to do it you have to add a Cube, change its scale, apply it. Then you need to duplicate like 100 of such cubes. Then goes the main pain, you have to select the cube, go to Graph Editor, press Back sound to F-Curves, setup all the parameters, press the button and wait while it is being baked, and 99 times again, it will take maybe 1h of your time. What if you need more objects? Now imagine that you can do it in 1 minute. You just need to create that Cube, add the keying sets you need, duplicate the cube using Create array tool of MusicA, setup all the parameters just once, and press Animate! Then wait until MusicA will finish its work, and that’s all, you can press Alt+A to see what you got!

Or, another example, you need to create something like this:

With standard Blender tools you will do it maybe several hours (depends on how many vertices will be in your object). I will tell you something. You can create it in less than 1 minute. You just need to add a Curve, setup the number of subdivisions for it, setup parameters of MusicA, and press Animate! After some time you are ready to check what you got! It’s much faster and can save you enough time.

The addon is available here:
You can watch a demo-video here: