Musical cubes (again)

Check out my new audio synced video at or on my blog

This is the first in a series where I will be building a music synced music using many of the new patches, add ons and scripts that I have come across recently.

This particular animation uses the BAA script by David Jarvis to drive the IPO curves for the materials the cubes are made of. In particular the EMIT value makes the little cubes glow :wink:

Equally amazing new techniques for 3d audio in blender have been used in this animation as well. In this thread on I snagged a copy of a 2.43 build of blender for windows that allows you to attach sounds to objects and microphones to cameras. I really wish I could find the linux version to build into CVS code though. I’d also like to know who to thank for it.

The audio is actually mixed down in blender. I have done a couple of audio only tests where I move the camera around and it is pretty good. I think I need more movement to really prove the point but it is a good start and I am happy with where I have got to so far.

To come… I made the individual drum audio files in cubase… I have of course got the original midi and the rest of the instruments split off into individual wavs. There will be some Midi_Import_X IPO mainipulation coming in to make the cubes bounce… I will also be adding in new instruments with new objects and using blender to mix the whole lot down.

I’d like to do the final render in yafray with full caustics and everything… anyone got any good ideas for makeing the light shine nicely through my cubes?

This is cool, but, why are there so much cubes and you’re only using three of them?
Anyway great idea, really good.

Well… thats not strictly true… if you watch the animation all the way through, you will see the cubes at the back light up at the tom sounds…

It looks like somehow youtube has skewed the timing somewhat… The cubes I submitted up look much tighter on the beat… I will have to find another way of posting my anims!!!

As it happens, I am running a yafray render of the next stage right now :wink:


The Yafray test for this (with a bit of added cube bouncing) is now up on,-BAA,-Yafray-and-Midi_Import_X-test.html

It is very short (due to render times) but, I hope you like it :wink:


Hi Julesd-g6

Pretty cool…how did you make them glow separately…is it a separate render /layers??

Each different cube is a different material. Each material has it’s EMIT value pushed by an IPO curve generated using the Blender Audio Analysis script. I think I saw you use the same for lightning somewhere.

This time around, I have added a couple more instruments in and rendered up a TEST. No audio this time (I wanna save the full tune for the big final render) so you won’t hear the new instruments, but as a clue… the candy spiral on the left lights up for Guitar 1, candy spiral on the right is for Guitar 2 and the silver blob (which need much work!) is bass.

I have got keyboards to add too, and these are gonna be special… but more of that later.

I really just wanted an idea of how nice the candy spirals would be!

Video demo reel on my blog…,-MiX,-3D-audio-and-BAA-testing.html
