My 1st post: Dragon

Hi everyone!
I am new to posting, but I’ve been an enthusiastic blender hobbiest for a couple of years now (ya, I tend to normally just lurk).

I’m not very good/practiced at good material and texturing stuff yet, but I think I’m a decent modeller. Here’s one of my recent WIPs:

I’m not entirley happy with the jaw line, and it’s my first post, so be gentle! :wink:


that’s pretty good, keep up the good work! You should learn how to texture it properly and put a nice scale texture or something on it, then it will look awesome!

GREAT modeling. I’m sure the texture gurus will give you good tips.

Check out env’s tutorial on texturing

Nice work, and no need to lurk!

Whoa! That’s some pretty darn good modeling! Better than anything I can do yet. I don’t quite know how to model organic creatures very well. :-?

That’s great modeling! You might want to check out the “Pixar Eye” tutorial in the BlenderChar forum for a more realistic eye. I don’t think that the small bit of mouth strangeness is due to the jaw so much as the back of the mouth opening. I would pull it forward - the teeth shouldn’t stop before this flap of skin - they should extend further inside the mouth.

Again, nice job. Let us see it again when textured.


I haven’t commented earlir because your site was down and I couldn’t sse the picture.


1 - Big intersection problems in wings. Are you using subsurfs right?

Wings ‘yellow’ and ‘green’ should have matching vertexes for an easier alignment

Body is definitely a great model, very nice muscles/joints, but junction to yellow stuff, expecially the ‘crest’ along the spine is to be worked on a little, they just looks sticked there, not part of the body.

Keep it up!


Thanks for all the advice and tutorial links everyone!
Especially ec2 for the link to Enrico Valenza’s site; I had never seen it before, and his work is absolutely amazing!!! I found the texturing tutorial a little difficult to follow, and I haven’t had any luck getting it on the model yet though. I’ll keep trying - but if anyone has anyother good texture references I’d definitely appreciate it (in the mean time I’ll scan the blenderbase for good stuff).

All of your critism is very useful and appreciated.
Hopefully I’ll have an updated post sometime soon (but with a busy holliday season and little free time, that might be a while…).

Thanks again, and I’d like to whish a Happy Hollidays and Season’s Greetings to the community! :slight_smile: