My 3D Modelling & Animation Will Show At History Channel!!!! OMG!

Hai guys! Im very Newbie for Blender but my company giving chance for this job. Im very2 nervous become my modelling very bad & not quite good, but the director said “thats okay”.

The story about the documentary of Malaysia Tragedy “Highland Towers”(the apartments) falling down & crash.

Those who interested to watch

For some reason, i cannot post the link many times, weird. but here the information.

  • History Channel Asia.
  • 11th December 2010, 9PM (Premiere Malaysia Time).

=you can check at google, “novista highland towers” , its number 1 list.
p/s: please2 critic after watch. Thanks & yes im superb nervous.

If technical information:

Blender 2.49b
After Effects CS3

Cool, that’s awesome!

Congratulations! That’s what you call being in the right place at the right time.

Congrats, you’re a lucky man.

Wow, congrats! I love the History Channel! Their CG is pretty good, too!

not any more…

Oh… why not? :frowning:

I was just joking, because someone who dose not know how to model is making their CG now.

Congrats! (I’m surprised nobody help you with the link yet since you haven’t enough posts to post them yet):!.html

Correct me if that’s the wrong link.

congratulations, that is indeed awesome! :slight_smile:

Thanks guys, IM SUPER NERVOUS LOL. :smiley:

How about im posting 1 frame of my modelling? Its called “sneak peek” right?
Can? How to post picture here?

Sorry for my english is very bad.

Thanks Quandtum!!!
Thats the link!!! If you have time & excess to watch it, please watch & critic :slight_smile:
Thanks again!

History Channel already show my 3D on air few hours ago.
Feel good & my job is done ;D

hai guys, here the some clip i make that make it to History Channel!
rq guys

Cool! What is it for in the show??

Looks good indeed, no need to be modest now! :slight_smile:

Its for documentary of a building named Highland Towers crash & fall down at Malaysia 1993.
So i have to remake the building. :smiley: Its very very tragic story.

Thanks :smiley: , to the next project @ 3D :smiley: