My Animated Sculptural 3D Model made out of moving Cubitos

Hello friends, I’m new here and wanted to share my 3D animation of a Sculptural 3D model, I made with this amazing software :slight_smile:

It has many cubes inside of a bigger cube, I have dyscalculia so it was a challenge to create it and I really feel proud of myself and I hope you love my art as much as I do :slight_smile:


well, many is almost 10, so i’m pretty sure it belongs here! :wink:

Thank you for sharing fun with blender!! :smiley:

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thank you! I appreciate your guidance and kindness :slight_smile:

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I constantly have to start counting… :wink:
…so… it’s properly… wait… one moment…

plus one for the fun :wink:

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The importance of thumbnails for video uploads:

edit your original post, and upload a still image (your favorite frame from the video, perhaps?). This image becomes the “cover-art” for this your thread.

Currently your thread has the default “cartoon speech-bubbles” in the list of threads in which it appears (here the “10 Cube Challenge 2023”).

Having an image thumbnail preview makes it more likely that people will click on your thread to see the whole animation.

(If you upload more than 1 image, the first one encountered is used for the thumbnail, but it can be before or after the video. Just saying to pay attention to where the insertion-point cursor is when you upload the still image.)

Have fun with blender! :smiley:

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:slight_smile: thanks :slight_smile:

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Hey friend, thanks so much for the feedback, I edited the post so that it has the still image on top, but I can not find this part “Cartoon speech-bubbles”, where can I see this so I can edit it, thanks very much fam!

Before you added the thumbnail,
when I looked at the “10 Cubes Challenge 2023” page,
where it shows everyone’s different thread submission,
yours WAS (past tense) coming up with no image (just speech-bubbles) until I clicked on it to get to this page of just your post.

Now that you have added a still,
when I load the page “10 Cubes Challenge 2023”,
among every one else’s posts, yours NOW shows up as the still you posted.

sometimes it takes a minute or two to process after you first add the thumbnail.
it helps to refresh the page, too.
