My animations look weird when i export them from blender

hello every body.
i am trying to make a fps game inside unreal engine but i have problem trying to export my animations from blender

i animated a AK47 inside blender and it looks great inside blender before exporting as you can see here

but when i try to import it in unreal engine my rigs go off in position as you can see here

i even tried to import the fbx back to blender but even in blender i get the same result and my hand are off

i happen mostly around rigs that have “child of” constraint attach to them

and if this is important i used rigify for my hands rig

Are you applying your transforms before exporting? Ctrl + A > All Transforms

yes i did. but there no change to the exported mesh

i found out the problem is mostly from left hand hand the right hand doing its job nicly

do you think i have done something wrong in the riging part?
this problem is killing me, its my 1 month work and its ruined :frowning:

thank you for your help. i hope we can fix it together