My antiaircraft gun (revisited)

This is before and after models of an antiaircraft dealie that I intend to have blown up in a future animation. Crits?
Hopefully these pics will work.

Check my post in the contest forum!!

No wonder I didn’t know what everyone was talking about with “raytracing” and “ambient occlusion”. Hello, stupid, Blender 2.32!! Just finished downloading . . .

The point where the anti-aircraft gun connects to the turret needs to be “beefier” in my opinion. That simple swivel joint doesn’t do it for me I don’t think. Perhaps you should just make it thicker.

I see what you mean. I’ll get on it.

can you create some more close ups with more details and views!

is it for a game or anim only?

i would like to use this one for a magazin gallery about blender!


it does look nice


It’s for an animation (I’m not to the point of learning games yet). It is admittedly not very detailed as it wasn’t intended for closeups, but if I have the time I’ll put some other shots up.

Feel free to use it for that magazine project. I’ll probably be updating it in a couple days for Desoto’s advice.

I’ll also be putting up a frame of the explosion eventually. It’s actually a sucky explosion to watch but there’s some good still frames. I’ll have to work on that.