This is my finalized result from my last week’s project. I spend 6 days total on it. This is my very first finalized rendering and I know it’s not 100% perfect but I’d say I did pretty good. I used Yafaray for the final render and turned most of the settings down for quicker rendering time. I only used about 1.5 million photons for the final render. Tell me what you think. I like criticism. Again, this is my very first completed scene I have ever made!
What I like about it:
The lighting stuck out for me a lot. I like how the carpet textures turned out despite the crappy low res texture I took. I like the models (for the most part) especially the lamp. I spent quite some time on that by taking a picture of it in real life and tracing it vie the background image.
What I don’t like:
I wish I would have added a few more details such as a lamp cord and base trim. I don’t like the way the shadows blend together in the middle of the couch. There are some weird light spots that I couldn’t remove even in post-processing. The low resolution and color pixelation due to me taking the quick rendering route.
This is nice, but unfortunately it seems that there isn’t enough in this scene. You have a bunch of stuff in the middle and to the left but on the right you don’t have much. I do also think that there should be some stuff on the table, and maybe the floor could have some paper on it. And what is that yellow thing on the left? Other than that, it’s pretty good!
Thank you. I added some more stuff to the scene already and moved the camera in to focus more on the couch area and get rid of the empty space to the right and draw more attention to the triangular composition of the scene. I added just a bit of clutter to the coffee table but not much. I wanted the scene to look “clean”. I turned down the paper idea because of that, though it was good. I think the simplicity of the scene contributes to the warm relaxing mood. The big yellow thing to the left is the light reflection of the shades. I chose not to take that out of the rendering to add to the realism. Though, again, I did zoom the camera in a bit so it’s not so much light being brought in on one side of the scene. Thanks for you input I appreciate it. I hope to have a new rendering up soon.
The overall mood is rather stale though. You used 2.5 for this? The modeling is fine, but the monochromatic appearance isn’t lifting it. I’m not sure. Fine work though.
Something i noticed straight away was that the left (the viewers right) side of the couch. The armrest seems almost flat at the front, the other side isnt as bad, bad the lighting looks pretty bad there. Also, maybe add in a painting or something to add COLOUR. I see these white house type renders all the time and nobody ever adds little boosts of colour to their scenes. Other than that, a good scene, if a bit barren.
I like your suggestion with the armrest. I really hadn’t noticed how flat and boring the arm rests are. I don’t really see how the lighting is bad on the other arm rest, though. I’ll still mess around with it a bit. As for the white house type, I’m not feeling like adding any color. I like the suggestions for it but there is a reason all the pictures are currently black and white. I like the monotonous feel of it. I think it adds to the drama of the scene. Color would change the feel. I don’t want that.
It’s nice having others criticize because I can only see my picture from my perspective. So thanks for all the feedback thus far, though as negative as it all has been.
great scene, reminds me of some indie movie that you’ve probably never heard of, but i would try putting a lot more effort into the couch. Since it is your subject i would subsurf the sharp edges on the arms and try UV mapping the texture instead of just applying in one global direction.
Thank you all for your feedback. I’m redoing a lot to this image and hope to get the new rendering up by the end of this week.
I’m zooming the camera in more to get rid of the side emptiness.
I’m making the couch edges look not so rough and adding a seam around all the edges like my couch has.
I’m UVing the couch as someone suggested. (Thank you)
I’m adding a lamp cord
I’m adding a bit of clutter to the coffee table but not much. I like the simplicity of the image. It adds to warm comfort.
I am NOT, though, going to change the lighting. I honestly like the way it is now. I have taken your suggestions to heart, though, and have done a few test renders with different lighting methods and I think the one I have now is the best. Thank you all, again.