My background does not render

Why can i not render with a backgroud i just got a black background

It’s rendered. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the setup. (blender 3.6.9 / blender 4.1)

Well that is really strange ik could not render maybe setting in blender 3 6.8
But i will try it in blender 4.1.
Did you do F12 for rendering or just hit the render view button then i even get a render result.
It should be a cycles render.
I don not think this is a render but a viewport render as i look at the colors i still get no background render

The default setting is EEVEE
I can’t see it since I changed it to Cycles. I think I need to find a problem. :thinking:


I don’t know where the problem came from. Maybe there’s some corruption in the file.
You can create a new project and move there. :slightly_smiling_face:

I work with cycles because it has better lighting.
It must be a setting maybe somebody can look the file.

You have this unchecked. Turn it on.



Thank you so much.
It worked

It’s always the littlest things ::slight_smile:

Yep and find them.