My bedroom room (way less messy than IRL)

Ive allways wanted to do this and here it is… is not complete yet but still.

Link doesn’t work (but does show a message for you).

Fixed it :slight_smile:

Heh, cool. Reminds of somewhere I saw once, forget where, though. Anyway, a few things strike me.

  1. You don’t appear to have any shadows at all anywhere at all. Like, anywhere. This is a mistake, everything in the real world has a shadow.

  2. Assuming you do turn on ray-tracing shadows. Turn on Ambient Occlusion as well, it’ll soften everything up and add depth to the other-wise static lighting you have.

  3. Anti-aliasing or OSA. It’s at a bad setting, way too blurry. For better results try Cubic at 1.5 or Mitch at 1.33. Your current solution is fuzzy and doesn’t look very clean.

Anyway, straighten those things out and we’ll see what we have. Keep going.

Here it is… i couldnt figure out the OSA… i dont even know where to start there… sorry im quite the noob.

Oh, wow. That helps a lot. Now, leave ambient occlusion settings to low, by the way, until the final render, cause otherwise it’ll take too long, but yeah, when you’re done done, crank it up a bit to kill some of the noise.

Anyway, in the Render Tab of the Scene Button set (Buttons Window>Scene(F10)>
Render>) You will see in the lower-right hand corner a group of buttons. Ignore most of them, the ones you want are two–a drop down box that’ll probably say ‘gauss’ or ‘catrom’ or ‘box’ or ‘tent’ or something in it, and a number-box beside it that’ll probably be set to one. This is the sample map type and the size of the sample map, try the settings I recommended again to sharpen the sample map and give it a crisper look.

EDIT: I just noticed something, the shadows look really dark, is ambient occlusion set to add, subtract or both?