Note this is RealTime in Blenders Game Engine !
Yes I only bloomed the tree’s I was going to do the dwarf and the land but it would have token longer hope you enjoy this. And yes I will be releasing a .Blend file for this but not for the time being.
Hey whats up everyone I was bored today so I decided to whip this up to pass the time tell me if it looks anything like Blooming … ? I think I did a pretty dam good job on it.
my guess: duplicate the mesh, remove textures (set to shadeless white) and set faces to add mode. possibly invert normals, but then it wouldn’t “bleed” over the character. That’s how I would have done it, anyhoo. too bad that doubles the poly count.
It looks pretty good, I’m interested in how you actually did it.
Thanks Dakka. I was waiting for somthing like this for awhile also. Since I never found it I dicided to make 1 of my own. =)
Really simple to do when I release the blend file you will know how I did it I can’t really explain right now going to work in 20 minutes Lol Today I have to go for a 18 shift =(
Thank you also =) You will soon have the .blend file
Yes the effect for this blooming is adjustable ! But still abit bugy =(
If your pc can run blender it can run this takes down the fps depending on how many objects " Models " will be bloomed in runtime.
Nope dose not need a red sky that was the background color at the time when I made this. ^^
Right now how I did this effect is basicly just 4 normal Lamps and Blender Materials on.
and 1 plane infront of the camera with a short of white texture with add mode on. " Parented also "
So there is no need to duplicate the model. Right now I am just fixing up some stuff the big bug right now is while its running using this effect after 1 minute or so blender crashes :S I have a good idea why though …
Anyways I am loging now be back in 18 hours everyone
Your right …
Hmmm… you even voted 25 % " Thanks Lol Not sure if I should even continue it now Joking Lol still am "
Yes the dwarf is from that site I believe not mine. I just Uv Maped it. And Jazz Just Animated it. Very nice animations if I do say so my self thanks Jazz
Well indeed it is an interesting effect. I got the idea while playing the Zelda game for the Wii. Lol
But I thought that Blooming is just the brightness increased at certain area’s of the land or models with a glow on them ? Correct me if I am wrong. " Thats what I heard anyways … "
What dose this look like then if it’s not bloom ? …
Anyways I am only here for 30 more minutes and I am off to work again Lol
This isn’t real bloom, real bloom would have the bright areas bleed off of the object into the background like in that game pic. And why would trees need bloom anyway?
This is nice but it’s not real bloom. I think you’re using HDR lighting is that correct? It’s an interesting effect and I’m interested in knowing how to use HDR lighting in the GE. Looks like I’ve got some searching to do = )
no he’s not using HDR lighting, he’s using a plane infront of the camera, and a bunch of lamps. I dont think’ HDR would be possible in the BGE without some complex glsl shaders, someone started to impliment it a while ago though, lemme see if i can find that thread…
I see now =)
So this is more towards somthing like Hdr right ? Because I have no clue what I was doing when I thought Hdr and bloom were the same thing Lol.
Well if thats the case then I will change the topics name later to " 1 way how to make create Hdr effect " Lol.
But now that I know what blooming is I think I can try to create it since I remember I got a couple of month’s ago like 36 % close to Motion blure on Blenders GE and maby I can use somthing like that to make blooming ?
" I will see "
" By the way I am planning on making another effect that I saw in the Zelda for Wii Lol "
Anyways I am off to work again in 1 hour Lol just came here to eat and basicly get ready :’(
Going to read that other topic first though thanks for posting it : Ven0mSevenX
And yes this effect is only using 1 plane infront of the camera parented.
With 4 lamps. and Blender Materails on =) Easy as Pie !