Hi, my screen for blender turns completey black after a while of stuff and i can’t get my stuff back! All my work is gone and it happened 3 times to me. What is the problem of it going to a blackout like this? PS: i am new at Blender and it is v.2.25
What are you trying to do?
what os?
video card?
cpu, ram amount (not likely the problem)
I imagine the problem is that blender is not in focus, and therefore not redrawing after you rendered an image. If blender is not running fullscreen you can click the button on the taskbar and all should be fine. If not I would suggest trying the following keystrokes
esc (will stop rendering, may bring focus to render window)
F11 (will toggle between render window and blender)
alt+tab (don’t let go of alt, keep pressing tab until Blender is selected, then release alt)
now my screen has done that, weird.
it could be due to the fact that I left blender while it was working on something, and I may have started the grab command then too.
waiting, after clicking in the blender windows and pressing esc blender is asking for focus (or my attention) with the flashing button
it seems to be working now.
(Blender 2.27)
Blender does this when the CPU is busy working on something else. It can’t redraw the screen and so appears black.
Do you have any other programs running that could be using a significant amount of processing power?
I did have Windows Media Player running and my operating system is XP, im not sure what my ram is though.
do you use Matrox?
I don’t use Matrox.
I actually have a problem just like this, however, I have noticed a few ways to minimize it so I’m not to bothered.
Basicly, when I render something, once its finished rendering the render window might suddenly go black. If I close the render window when its black, the main blender window will also go black, and might recover after about 30 seconds, but not always. However, if I close the render window when it hasn’t gone black, everythings fine. Also, if the render window goes black I can click it and it will come back, and then I can close it safely.
Nothing remarkably unusual about my hardware, 800 Mhz, 256 RAM, Pro Savage graphics card.
Also, if I leave Blender running in the background for awhile and then flip back to it, everything has gone all garbled, and I carn’t do anything.
The DOS windows says after these things happen that a ghost window error has occured, or something very much like that.