A while back, my brother was the subject of a thread about annoying family members. Right now, I’m even angrier than usual with him. As if it weren’t enough that he ate some pizza I clearly wrote that he shouldn’t, now he won’t respect my stuff. (What else is new?)
He’s a DVD arsehole, and the websites he goes to about them are so high-tech, apparently, that he thinks my programs are bogging it down. Maybe it’s your damned banner-ads that animate to tell you that you are using the worst computer in the world. But, he thinks it’s my programs, and so he’ll close them. No asking if I want it saved, no asking if it’s worth anything… he could see the best CGI work in the world and close it, if I was doing enough time to make something like that.
As if that weren’t bad enough, he also thinks that Blender sucks. He thinks it looks cartoony, that it looks like crap, and that everybody who makes a good image in it is a fraud because he thinks it’s a photo, not CGI. He’s judged this based on what I’ve done in it. Guess what? That’s only because I don’t like spending time on things like that to make it photo-real. Besides, you’re judging on ONE person. If you looked at more Blender work, you’d notice that some people do things very well in it. Despite me showing him multiple photo-real works of art, he remains biased towards junk like Maya, 3DSMAX, and Lightwave. (Retch.)
So I’ve put up this piece of paper that says to get me when he wants to close stuff. He hasn’t; in fact, once I found it taken from where it was put up. I respect his stuff, so he should respect mine. I don’t think when he leaves up an adventure game of his, I say, “Oh, let’s see, this is how I close it.” I save his stuff, and he should do the same for me.
So what should I do? I think I should stop saving his adventure games and stuff. Next time I find his games left up, I’m closing it. No saving, no checking, just closing.