My Capture the Flag Game!

W0075! My Capture the flag game might actually come out soon! :stuck_out_tongue: All I need is that track to property script and I’ll be ready. (Berzerker.)

Your title is misleading. :frowning:

If property tracking track-to script? I can do that, let me know if you want it, i have been planning on doing it anyways…

Looking forwards to your CTF game!

And yes, the title was misleading…

Errr… is there really such a thing? Lol, probably near object in conjuction with track to object. Really not all too hard with python. But if you have obstacles the AI with a straight track to property won’t work that well unless you code in some small obstacle avoidance.

Any screenshots of the game?

Jason Lin

Err… I’m kind of new to blenderartists so I don’t know how to upload screenshots…

I don’t think they allow us to upload pictures on blenderartists for this forum. You’d have to upload pictures to say Then just provide a link for us.

Jason Lin