My timer counts down perfectly but, the hours are not at “00:” and the microseconds have too many numbers instead of “00” format.
It should all read “00:00:00:00” but, it doesn’t.
countdown timer.blend (566.3 KB)
My timer counts down perfectly but, the hours are not at “00:” and the microseconds have too many numbers instead of “00” format.
It should all read “00:00:00:00” but, it doesn’t.
countdown timer.blend (566.3 KB)
I can’t get it to run.
In case you can’t get it to work either, here’s what I wrote. Use and modify as you please.
class time:
def convert_format(self):
if isinstance(self.sec,float):
from math import modf
x = math.modf(self.sec)
self.sec,self.mili = x[0],int(x[1])
min_num = self.sec/60
for i in range(0,int(min_num)):
if int(self.sec) >= 60:
self.sec = self.sec - 60
self.min += 1
hour_num = self.min/60
for i in range(0,int(hour_num)):
if self.min >= 60:
self.min = self.min - 60
self.hour += 1
def __init__(self,dir):
if dir == 'up':
self.mili = 0.0
self.mili = 1.0
self.sec = 0
self.min = 0
self.hour = 0
self.subdiv = 1
self.dir = dir
def count_up(self,timescale):
self.mili += ((1/60)*(self.subdiv**timescale))
if self.mili >= 1.0:
self.mili = self.mili - 1.0
self.sec += 1
def count_down(self,timescale):
self.mili -= ((1/60)*(self.subdiv**timescale))
if self.min <= 0 and self.hour > 0:
self.min = 59
self.hour -= 1
if int(self.sec) <= 0 and self.min > 0:
self.sec = 59
self.min -= 1
if self.mili <= 0.0 and self.sec > 0:
self.mili = self.mili + 1.0
self.sec -= 1
if (self.mili < 0):
return False
return True
def convert_read(self):
read = (
return read
def update(self,timescale=1):
return self.timeDict[self.dir](self,timescale)
timeDict = {'up':count_up,'down':count_down}
To use:
import time as counter
cooldown = counter("down") #this counter will count down when update is called
#now you can
cooldown.sec = 3600 #automatically turns this into an hour
#or just
cooldown.hour = 1 #it's the exact same
counterStillTicking = cooldown.update()
#this returns False when count down reaches zero
#if counting up, returns none
#you can also input a timescale as an optional argument
my_time = counter("up") #this counts up.
my_time.mili = 0.75
my_time.sec = 1
my_time.min = 3
my_time.hour = 6
my_time.update(0.5) #the clock ticks at half normal speed
my_time_to_string = my_time.convert_read() #returns H:M:S as a string
PS: Whiskey and wimmen.
change you script to this and it works.
import bge
from datetime import datetime
textObject = bge.logic.getCurrentController().owner
if textObject["time"] < 0:
time = datetime.fromtimestamp(-textObject["time"])
Microsecond = "{:%f}".format(time)
textObject.text = "{:%H:%M:%S}:{}".format(time,Microsecond[:2])
i missed the "hours are not at “00:” part, looking into it.
no problem