My Demo Thread

I will start posting my demos in this thread.
(all demos use w,a,s,d or arrows or space or “r”)
Current blender builds found here -
12/18/06 Updated 2.43 preview 10 -

Stickman Scores! demo(Blender 2.43 preview 8) ->
(seems that the collision sensors are broken but when they are fixed i’ll fix the scoring)
Video ->

Gears demo(Blender 2.43 preview 8) ->
video ->

Bridge demo(Blender 2.43 preview 10) ->
video ->

Stickman gallery shoot(Blender 2.43 preview 10) ->
Video -

Chain demo 2.0(Blender 2.43 preview 10) -
Video -

Chain demo 1.0(Blender 2.43 preview 10) -
Video -

Updated 12/19/06 Basic Truck Dismount(Blender 2.43 preview 10) -
Video -

Ragdoll Fighters(Blender 2.43 preview 10) ->
Video ->

Ragdoll High Jump(Blender 2.43 preview 10) ->

Cell Shaded constraints demo(Blender 2.43 preview 10) -
video ->

I make it a rule not to mess around with the preview builds, because they change on a dime, and you have to reinstall when the final build comes out anyway.

I just usually wait for the final, and then posting demos and everything is more natural, because everyone already has the right build, and people don’t have to bother with installing yet another version just for a few demo blends.

That said, these demos look really nice from the screenshots. I’m sure many will find it quite usefull when 2.43 comes out.

Keep it up.

The truck dismount is classic! The ragdoll fighters are great. For a little fun I threw together a truck dismount video. divx.

I live off the preview builds. Sometimes my work just can’t wait.

oh wow thats awesome blengine! :smiley:

Hello blengine
welcome back
It’s the possibility of simulate poor people smashed by heavy trucks that made you
return here ?! :slight_smile:

Hey Oto. Between you and me, that’s what always brings me back.

Appo, nice new demos. I plugged this thread in the games/demos sticky, so hopefully you’ll keep these downloads available for a while.

Yeah, I love these things, RagDolls ROCK!

Awsome video blengine. Did you use fraps, or something else to make it?

I use Fraps for videos but the trial of fraps only does 30sec vids.
You get very good fp/s with fraps

Thanks Social. I used fraps, yeah. Like appo said, you get a great frame rate. My system is weak. It captures at 1 frame per second with camtasia and other programs like it. ONE. That’s ridiculous. Fraps captures seamlessly at about 20-25.

Love the new gear demo. I have to start playing around with this stuff soon.

Couple more 2.43 demos added to the list :slight_smile:

Video added for stickman gallery shoot

Looks like 2.43 will be a very good release for the game engine indeed. Now I wonder how the OGRE intergration is going.

Video added for chain demo 1

Video added for chain 2 demo

Nice, thanks for the vids.

Finally, the bullet engine seems be coming into it’s own with this new blender version.

Heh, all these people complaining about the BGE, and how they can’t make their games because of missing features/instability will soon run out of excuses.

hey Social does that happen to be Bruce Cambel in your icon from Brisco County Jr tv show?

2.43 preview 9b has been released - changed constraint axis GUI to accept degrees instead of radians. Also the step to increase/decrease is more intuitive (15 degrees per step). - erwin

im currently updating my demos to work in preview 9b

it seems the preview 9 was actualy preview 8… the build has now been fixed to preview 9b, so now most of the demos need to be reworked… will be doing this later tonight.

Thanks for updating.
Can you call it preview9b please?