My Dentist's

Or at least, the building next to my dentist’s :P. I think the main issue with this image is that there’s too much brick in the background, but that’s how it looks in real life…

Anyway, thoughts on this are appreciated. Thanks! :wink:

Oh, and I followed the recent blendercookie tutorial on how to make chain link fences.

the grass looks a little odd, are those strand renders with a alpha setup?

No, I made 3 different grass objects and scattered them across the plane using a particle system. Here’s a Higher Resolution:

not much to critique really… its a pretty boring image… if i was you i would pus something in here to give it some life :slight_smile:

i thought there will be a dentist cartoon character :slight_smile:

good luck, add some elements to the scene.

Thanks! I’m just not sure what to put in the scene… I’ve considered placing the front door in view, but then I’d have to modify everything else, and I kind of liked the side of the building. Maybe I should fill the parking lot with some cars, or line the fence with birds or something :smiley:

Maybe you could a a emergency Fire exit or something…
I dont know, but some how the texture of the fence(post) looks a little weird , maybe work on that…
In my opinion… add DOF and maybe some more specularity for the fence and then some glare… or better reflection from and hdr image and no specularity and still some glare…

hope u understood me???and i could help you…,

Thanks, AngelZ! I understood you. I actually already have a very small amount of DOF, but I don’t want to increase it too much or the scene will look miniature. And I guess I could make the fence more shiny, but I have the exact same fence in my backyard and it’s pretty dull…

Thanks for your input!

  • deal with the repeating brick texture
  • think about scale, (ie the parking space lines seem a little shortspaced compared to the brick size and curb height.)
    is the curb on the same height as the second similarly coloured thing of cement behind the fence? apart from the grass (which seems to have little depth, but still looks ok -albeit unkept) there is almost nothing to tell us about the distance between the first and second curb.
  • the first 1/3 of the grass from the left seems to have some unexplained bright appearance, while the remaining 2/3 seems too dark.

Just a small note, you could try and find a better texture for the ground, something slightly less clean.

@ zeffii,

1.) Okay, I’ll try to add some variety to the bricks
2.) You’re right; I probably need to reference a few parking lots
3.) What do you think I should do to solve the depth issue? Shorten the grass? Add objects between the two?
4.) Yeah, that’s related to how small my lighting setup is :o I’ll change that, too


@ andy, The parking lot there actually isn’t really any dirtier than that texture. Thanks for the tip, though :wink: