what I have to rummage about the whole day… or I think that is how you say it… anyway, haven’t put stuff into folders for a while…
My desktop is just the opposite: just nice background and no icons anywhere
(I’m using windows, and I have the contents of desktop as a toolbar at the top of my screen)
if you want a high res version, I can give it to you as a background…
Hmmmmm…empty desktop
Maybe i’ll use it as a background and get my brother to try and select one of the icons. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA :<
Just remember this is a low res for xp… so if you want a high res, just email me…
A great way to make your desktop icons small on WinXP is with a little app called
Save it to your desktop and double-click, or (and this is what I do), put a shortcut of it up in your startmenu.
An awesome way to clearup space on your XP desktop.
Kinda fixed my lack of space… I used my bundles of folders…
EDIT:that little mp3 at the bottom is “fhqwhgads” any homestar fan would recognize it…
actually you know thats the worst way to stor your files.
i hope they are LINKS to folders rather than folders on the desktop.
have you considered that as soon as your XP system crashes and you need ot re-install you will lose EVERYTHING this way.
for 1 you shouldn’t be storing all this stuff in the C:/ drive its asking for trouble.
how often do you defrag your computer.
for me the only thing the desktop is for is ICONS of files and not storing actual files
have you considered where your files a retruly stored on your computer???
they will be in a directory called WINDOWS which is not a place you really want them to be.
my compter is the tidiest thing i own, defrag once per week, and organise all my files as well as labeling file, logical structure, and deleting wasted stuff.
its by far the best way to have a computer that performs well and is easy to navigate.
quicklauch bar has shortcuts to my partitions and with 2 more clicks i am at any file i want in my whole computer, in any of my 3 partitions and subfolders.
you are asking for trouble with a system failure
Simply not true. I have had to reinstall Windows on several occasions, and it has restored \WINDOWS\Desktop every time.
Would you suggest he store it on A:\ instead?
But I agree that storing so much stuff on the desktop is a bad idea - that’s what My Documents is for.
In windows XP and 2000, the desktop is stored in \Documents and Settings%username%\Desktop. Not under \Windows.
And in 98/ME it’s in \Windows\Profiles<username>\Desktop
But only if “user has own desktop” is turned on when creating the user, otherwise it’s just \windows\desktop
phlip can i ask did you RE-INSTALL or did you REPAIR???
there is a major difference between a complete re-install and a system repair.
also yes broken you are right under XP that is where it is, i was on a ME machine yesterday and knew it was under the Windows directorry there!!!
oh and philip i suggest you PARTITION a HDD and save files on a D, E , F, G … or Z drive.
it may be the same physical drive (still risky) but on the desktop in the c drive is absolutly mental!!!
Holy crap… Dang… this turned into an arguement… well, for one, my computer on the new “shuttle” model has NEVER crashed (thank god)…
so my system is very stable on that, and the new xp, is also a lot more stable, on the desktop (C:\Documents and Settings\Drewster\Desktop) I have NEVER ever lost anything… actually I am more organized than you think, for someone else looking at my computer this would be hell, but I can easily find my way around… and like I said, my system is quite stable… I do a defrag maybe once a month, or less, or more, but my system doesn’t act up as much… so I don’t really have any problems to an extent…
Insert boot disk.
Boot to DOS
Switch to CD
Type “install”
yeah, i only havr links on my desktop, and it’s nice and clean…
and i have never used mydocuments before. I use a seperate folder created by me.
well a reinstall proper completly erases C:/
also it doesn’t use DOS so i don’t know how you are doing it.
an XP install
either repairs, or Replaces the xp partition.
i ahve never found a way to keep my data and properly re-install XP. everytime i have done it its either been a repair, or a complete write from scratch.
perhaps its because you are doing it from dos rather than the XP CD.
my windows desktop looks even worse than the first, there is no space for any icon left
but normaly i use ion on a debian system, without any menu or desktop, or common windows, evrything cleanly arranged in frames
A reinstall for me doesn’t nuke the HDD, it just overwrites most of \windows, but leaves desktop and start menu intact.
Basically, after reinstalling windows is exactly the same as before, except it has a few more components installed that I have to get rid of again (things I never use, like the Online Services)
BTW, I’m not using XP, I guess I didn’t make that clear, I’m using ME.
AFAIK, the only installer that will nuke the HDD is the OEM recovery disk. Reinstalling just windows should just overwrite windows.
Life is full of surprises… like that time when you formatted your boss’s computer…