My Desktop

In case you don’t know…in Win98 there are two options for reinstalling:format HD and don’t format HD; I have used the first one ~6 times! :slight_smile:

don’t worry man, it’s a hard choice… but we get by… um, I think?

yeah me too i have done it at least 7 times or more, and i’ve only had my computer for about 1/2 a year.


What if your hard disk corrupts??

Then you will lose everything.

I’ve had XP corrupt my XP harddrive before, and it wasn’t pretty.

Microsoft Windows should be installed on one harddrive or in one partition and everthing else on another.

Or use RAID.

True, ME shouldn’t do that, but sometime you will need to upgrade, so get in a good habit is my opinion.


My computer is only a 150MHz, I won’t be moving past ME for a while…

If I should get ever a new computer, I’ll organise it properly, but as it is, I really couldn’t be bothered partitioning it. And a second HDD isn’t really an option seeing as it’s a laptop :-?