My dog is broken!

I recently adopted a dog (haven’t named him yet) and he’s a chihuahua mix. I offered him a small piece of chicken when I first got him and he didnt even sniff it. I figured it was because he was still getting used to me. He always hides in a corner and is afraid to come out. So anyway, it’s been about a week now and he seems to have gotten more comfortable in my house but he’s still afraid of me. When I call him, he kinda pokes his head out and cries like he wants to come but he doesnt.

Anyway, here’s my question:
Does anyone know how to eradicate this timid behavior and make him more like a normal dog? I know these forums arent the best place to ask but I know there are people here with pets… Has anyone had similar issues with their dogs?

do not chase after or comfront the dog. buy dog treats that the dog likes, leave them on the floor for the dog to come get. Then sit near the dog (5-6 feet away) with treats. make the dog come to you. If you confront the dog, it will not warm up to you easily. It sounds like the dog has had some bad experiences with humans. give it time.

The best way I’ve found to deal with timid animals, is to walk up slowly (they’ll probably be afraid), and then crouch down. They like it if you don’t look as much like a colossus. When you crouch, do it so that the animal is a little more than your arms length away, and extend you arm. This way, the dog will have to come to you. If it does, let it smiff you, and then see if it’ll be ok with you patting it’s head. If not, that’s ok, just keep repeating it, eventually he’ll like you and become familiar with your scent. Hope that helps, and good luck!

Don’t feed it for a day (don’t worry it won’t die), when it get’s hungry you’ll know, at that moment (very important) wait for it to come to you. When it does, take that piece of chicken, and give it to him.

Repeat for a day or so, then continue at regular feeding intervals.

Train him to overcome his fear of humans by attacking you.

But whatever you do, don’t listen to Social. That’s just stupid.

Social has a good idea. But Chihuahuas are sometimes just that way – afraid of everything.

or torture in other words…

the best way to make it un-broken is to add batteries:spin:
-shovel boy

Well you got a small dog and that’s the way they are at first. You have to try to socialize with it when it wants to play - which is its way of talking.

And um, yeah, Social apparently seems to have had some bad experiences with dogs so don’t listen to him =(’

Any advice that includes the phrase (don’t worry it won’t die) - I’d probably try not to follow when it comes to training pets. =p

This sounds just like how our Rocky was when we first got him… If he really sounds like he wants to come out but is too afraid, just walk over to him calmly but confidently and pick him up. Tempting as it may be, don’t try to be soothing, as this will reinforce the timid behavior. Calm and confident is the mindset, dogs have a 6th sense for these sort of things. Just hold him quietly for a while. If and when he starts to calm down, then give him a treat and some verbal praise. Use lots and lots of tiny treats and rewards to start to gain his trust. When you hold him, let any close contact such as bringing him close to your chest be on the dogs terms, not your own. Work with him a little at a time. It may take a while, but over time he will start to act less timid around people he knows.

Socializing is another important thing. Take him for walks where you are likely to run into other people and pets. Take him with you to stores that allow pets such as PetSmart. Bring a bag of treats, and if anyone asks to pet him give them a treat to bribe the dog with. Again, if he is afraid don’t reward the timid behavior with soothing words or by petting him. With Rocky often times we just gave him a very matter-of-fact “You’re fine!” Hopefully this will help you out. Nowadays Rocky still has some personal space issues, but he is not NEARLY as shy as when we first got him.

Take the dog to bed with you and in the nicest, kindest voice tell him how much you love him, he’ll probably sleep with you. Seriously, this should work, I know dogs, they love me. Sounds like he may have been badly abused or abondoned before you got him.

Another alternative:

If things don’t work out you can always trade it in for a different breed. I’m sure your local pet shop could make the trade, or give you a discount on something else, depending on which breed of dog you go with.

Sometimes that is actually the best solution for both the owner and the animal itself. I mean if the dog was abused by it’s previous owner, then it should really be in the care of a professional, someone who knows how to deal with such animals.

or you could get a cat. a really big cat, like a Maine Coon, and watch them teach each other.

You’re not that very sentimental, are you.

Total agreement. Dogs are controlled by food.

Yeah, but that’s the problem! It’s manipulative! And if you’re not being manipulative, you’re punishing your dog for being shy. C’mon! Give the dog some leeway. Give him some respect.

Lol, Social, you are definately not related to Barbara Woodhouse!
Bribing is a well known way of training/teaching a dog. I’m not so sure about starving it. Of course, trading it in at the nearest petshop is something else isn’t going to help the dog much. :slight_smile:

Venom7x, just follow ms-dos’s advice, that takes some time, but will eventually work. Remember, when you point your hand towards him, hold it open, and upside down, below his head. If you try to put your hand on his head from above, they often feel threatened.

Lol, yea, I’m not related to Woodhouse in any way.

O, and just to set things straight: I never suggested to starve the dog to death (I mean that would kinda defeat the purpose), just get it hungry to the point where it starts looking for food, then any food you offer has a much higher chance of being accepted, and additionally the food will act as a relationship building tool.

Trading it in is giving up, I admit, however if there is nothing you can do…then there is nothing you can do.

Sometimes the dog just doesn’t like you. It’s that simple.

no need to deny the dog food. that’s wrong.

Yeah, that’s actually true. Often the dog could actually have a much happier life with someone else - why deny him that.